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March 2020

Lisa Chadwick

Sunday, March 15 at 9 AM - we will be having a workday on the Inga trail to replace fence posts. We could really use YOUR help - no heavy duty muscles required. The Inga trail is at the end of Inga Road, off of Pomeroy, near the native park. It is a short connector trail that Ride Nipomo has responsibility for maintenance. We need 10 people for 2 hours on this project.

Please RSVP to Jim Harrison at


Our March club ride has been postponed due to the weather and wet trail conditions. The new date is Saturday, March 21. Willow Springs is a beautiful hilly trail, off of the beaten path. The parking entrance is 19 miles down Highway 166 from the exit on 101. More details to follow.


Annual Trailer Rodeo from HEET (Horse Emergency Evacuation Team) coming up. Everyone who drives a horse trailer may attend to tune up their driving skills and get updates from the CHP.

What: South County Trailer Rodeo When: April 4, 2020 Time: 8:45 – 12:00 PM Where: Elks Unocal Rodeo Grounds 4040 US 100 Santa Maria, CA 93455

( North County Trailer Rodeo is on April 11 for those who prefer. Find details at

Bring your horse trailer (or any trailer you’d like to use for practice.) We will have the CHP there to give insight into new laws and to inspect trailers if desired. Afterwards, there will be a course open to all for practice in maneuvering trailers in difficult situations safely. There will be experts on the ground to help if needed.


We have a new Ride Nipomo Board Member, who will be our liaison with the Trilogy home development. Her name is Lenore Spelbring. Lenore is a long time south county resident and a lifelong equestrian. You may have seen her on the trails riding Roskur, the cutest Icelandic horse you can imagine. Please email her if you have have suggestions, problems or questions regarding the Bridle Trail around Trilogy as she oversees this trail. (The bluff trails & other Nipomo trails are not her responsibility.) Her email is:


April 4 is the Spring Tack Swap at the Riding Warehouse parking lot in San Luis Obispo. Hours are 9-2. Lots of used tack and gear for sale. You can reserve a spot to sell by calling Riding Warehouse 805-548-2005.


The Trails at the Pismo Preserve are open!! Equestrians have two options to ride there. 1) You can go to the Land Conservancy website to make a reservation for your rig 7 days a week. There are three horse trailer parking places. Or, 2) on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday, only horse trailers are allowed to park, first come first served. These two special days are known as Horse Trailer Tuesdays (HTT). Please come utilize this beautiful trail system and ensure it remains horse friendly.

We need to make it clear that there is a demand for equestrian use by using the trails on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays!

Use it or lose it, as the saying goes...

You will receive information asking for sign ups for an 1.5 hour shifts monitoring the gates on Horse Trailer Tuesdays (HTT). PLEASE consider offering 90 minutes to volunteer - so far this job has been handled by the board members of all the local equestrian clubs.

It is super easy as you will have an awesome ocean view during your shift. We know we can count on you, Ride Nipomo, to step up and help out when you see the next plea for gate help in this beautiful place. Check the Land Conservancy website for details on hours, etc.

~ Please be aware that leashed dogs are allowed on the trails at the Pismo Preserve, though of course some people break the leash rule. Stay safe and make sure your horse is okay with dogs. ~


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